Thursday, July 28, 2016

Feeling Kukkkki

One of the goals of this vacation was to basically eat my way through the Icelandic biosphere. From reindeer, to rare Minke Whale, to adorable little puffins, I've been treating the wildlife here like a Nordic smorgasbord (that's a Danish word, the Icelandic one is probably something like skorkksskkrd). Unfortunately, the biosphere has bitten back, and I have spent the past 18 hours in our hotel room sipping Gatorade, getting our Krona's worth in hotel toilet paper, and really self-congratulating my decision to buy the giant-size can of bathroom spray the first day we landed.

So which exotic protein was the one that finally put a damper on my Caligula-like appetite? Bacon. Not polar bear bacon. Not mythical griffin bacon. Just plain 'ol, undercooked hotel, breakfast-buffet bacon. Talk about betrayal! Bacon, I thought I knew ye.

Anyway, since you probably don't want to see the pictures of our hotel bathroom, here are a few of the things we were able to explore before the case of Odin's revenge limited our travel radius.

Pretty much been using this as my menu.

Lutheran church. Looks like it's made from legos. I didn't want to risk getting closer lest my feet started to burn.

Us in front of a giant aluminum thing. I love how Europeans say aluminum: uh LOO minny um.

I wasn't going to jump to conclusions when I saw this sign on a door for The Icelandic Love Corporation in the less respectful part of town, but then I noticed the drippy, sticky shoe, and, well...

Us on the puffin watching tour. I thought it was going to be like picking lobsters out of a tank for dinner. Sadly, no.

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