Friday, May 25, 2018

Lift Off

"You think you hate it now, but wait until you drive it."

Having bounced around a few continents, we definitely know a thing or two about the value of economy packing. However, being ground-bound this time and having the “luxury” of the Sport Queen Family Truckster at our disposal, we decided to take full advantage of our cross country expedition and use it to further de-clutter our lives by dropping off unwanted/unneeded possessions of ours to all of our relatives from Florida to Idaho. 

Basically, we are the Johnny Appleseeds of garage sale type shit, depositing unwanted collections of winter clothing, DVD players, and extra yard tools all over the great ‘murican countryside, and I suspect our minivan will be getting significantly better gas mileage once it is empty and we point it back toward home. Until then, we are forced to travel north like mobile hoarders (which really should be the name of a new A&E series, and they should pay me for pointing that out).

Coming soon to a garage near you!

We didn't even bother with suitcases. We just heaved our clothes into laundry baskets and made sure we had enough wine and liquor to at least get us through the southern dry counties. We're classy that way!

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