Monday, April 20, 2015

Worth a Thousand

The hotel wi-fi has finally given birth to some bandwidth, so I'll try to get some pictures up while I can...

Everything is so ornate here. This is either the entrance to the Grand Palace or the 7-Eleven.

Selfie de Triumph!

Everyone here has selfie sticks but me. I have a 32" sleeve length. I prefer clicking it old school.

We found Lady Liberty's stunt double.

Parisians like to play with fire.
Apparently, Lowenbrau makes cars here.

This is what I felt like after I ate the whole thing.

The whole thing: Smoked salmon and brie pizza for lunch.
It's not what we saw, it's what we Seine.
Notre Dame. Still looking for their football stadium though.

A Super 8, this is not.

That's not how you spell my name, Frenchy!

Duck bacon (or pigeon) salad. Yummy regardless.

Attack of the Euro Oui-knees!

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