Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Last Picture Show

This is probably the last time I'll get to abuse the hotel wifi...

The US actually gave the French this smaller replica as a Thank You for the big one in New York. Talk about putting no originality into a gift. 

The Salmon Tartare on the river cruise was amazing, but I just hope it wasn't harvested from the Seine. 

Fly four thousand miles, take pictures of food. Yeah, that's about right. 
We have this exact same picture of us in front of the Rodin outside the DIA in Detroit. We're groupies. 
April in Paris. Now we have to go back to snowblowing in Michigan. 
Some other amazing building that my American history education completely fails me on. 
From the Eiffel. 
La femmes

Gettin' our Pope on. 

Parisian speed bump. 
Our last sunrise...

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